Stay Tuned

Cory Meade is an aspiring author from the state of Indiana. Growing up in the city, I was exposed to many different experiences that allowed me to see needs within my community. Positive black male influences are a dying breed which inspired me to stepped into the educational field and lend a helping hand. As a seasoned early childhood educator, I’ve had the pleasure of spending many years teaching and reading to children. Now I’ve decided to take my passion for learning and incorporate it with writing my very own children’s books in hopes they will add to the joy of learning that reading already fosters. Still early in my authoring role, I inspire to grow creatively while also adding educational value in my work. I hope to impact the youth in more ways than one, with every book published.

I've always had many plans, all of them really being big dreams! I’ve always refused to accept “NO” as an answer or allow it to stop me. Along the way everyone has always said I had a very large and vivid imagination. So, I decided to use those fantasies to help make my dreams reality and with that, I’ve achieved being a model, entrepreneur, make-up artist, and now illustrator! I don't plan on stopping there though! I will continue using my skills and creativity, to share my art with everybody so stay tuned!!

Growing up in the streets of Hartford, CT wasn't easy and it wasn't tough either, it was what I made it...Difficult. Some of the paths I chose to journey down were some of destructive natures, some were of stupidity, ignorance, and bad chose making. But yet and still...all the paths that I've journeyed down weren't all paths I should have and through those paths that were put in my way with no other solution, but to go through them and deal with whatever came about I managed to put together stories to feed your soul, mind, and heart. My books don't just come from the imaginative part of my mind, but from the heart and soul sometimes even tearz. They also are made for you to have a better understanding of the struggles some people go through that everyone else wouldn't know existed if it wasn't for someone else giving them a tour of the life through pages of a book, magazine, or on the idiot box. I'm a father, fiance', brother, uncle, cousin, enemy, and friend. But the title that you should always remember is that i'm a MAN before anything. I write to express whatever emotion or situation that i''m dealing with at the time of creativity, it may be something you can relate to and it may not be, but it definitely will touch a place in your soul. Thanking you in advance for taking the time to read my work
~ TyJar'

Hello, I’m Tina Rogers a native of Indianapolis, IN and the mother of three beautiful girls with two very handsome grand boys! Currently I’m the director in my field at the District Attorney’s Office in Mississippi. I loves to help and serve people; in the community I mentor to several young women and provide grief counseling. I began writing as a young girl who loved to sing the songs I would write. As time went on, I developed a love for writing poems and other small pieces of literature. Pursuing my passion from childhood after some pain in this thing called life my passion for writing returned and something beautiful was born. I love to say, “At the end of the day, you have to be able to sleep with the decisions you make in life, either good or bad.” In my world, nothing is more important than the peace of me and my family! That means, no person, object, or thing can get in the way of that peace!